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개인정보 수집 동의 (필수)

수집항목 : 연락처, Email
사용목적 : 제품 상담 업무
보유 기간 : 신청 ~ 2025년 까지

Faster on the market and in the black
with integrated Drive Systems

Flexible jaw couplings and pin & bush couplings

Flexible couplings by KTR Systems :

    BoWex 기어커플링은 스틸허브와 나일로 재질의 슬리브로 구성되어 있습니다. 유지보수가 필요없이 영구적으로 사용이 가능합니다.

    GEARex 올스틸기어커플링은 그리스윤활과 O-Ring 씰이 있는 제품입니다. 국제표준을 준수하며, 영구적인 그리스 윤활은 거의 마모가 없이 작동되며, 높은 수명을 보장합니다.

BoWex standard curved-tooth gear couplings

  • 700 - 2,500 Nm

    Bowax l

    Gear coupling with circlips.

  • 20 - 2,500 Nm

    Bowax AS

    Gear coupling Suitable for easy assembly disassembly.

  • 20 - 2,500 Nm

    Bowax Special - l

    Axial plug-in gear coupling for blind assembly.

GEARex all-steel gear coupling

  • 930 - 135,000 Nm

    GEARex FA

    One-piece sleeve acc. to AGMA standard.

    GEARex FB

    Both hubs are tumed outsige.
    One-piece sleeve acc. to AGMA standard.

    GEARex FAB

    Mounting position of hubs is different.
    One-piece sleeve acc. to AGMA standard.

  • 3,500 - 2,750,000 Nm

    GEARex DA

    Sleeve with cover design for easy assembly resp. inpection of spline

    GEARex DB

    Both hubs are tumed outsige.
    sleeve with cover design.

    GEARex DAB

    Each one hub is tumed outisde resp.
    inside. Sleeve with cover design.

  • 0 - 620,000 Nm

    GEARex FH

    Type for large shaft distance dimensions. Standard AGMA sleeve

    GEARex FR

    Single-cardanic type with standard AGMA sleeve

    GEARex DR

    Single-cardanic type with split sleeve

    GEARex DH

    Type for large shaft distance dimensions with sleeve as cover design.