H > Performance
당사의 수리 서비스는 기능 유지 보수에서 성능 향상에 이르기까지 전체 제품 라이프 사이클에 걸친 모든 서비스 작업으로 구성됩니다.
당사의 서비스 전문가는 제조업체 수준에서 구성 요소를 분석, 수리, 유지 관리 및 최적화하여 값비싼 가동 중지 시간을 피할 수 있습니다.
FLENDER (Germany)
58FC 2275
2300 kg
2 x 2275 Nm
helical gear units for double-screw extruders with parallel shafts
- Replace Bearing / Shaft seal
- Check oil supply system
- Filling with Oil
- Post-repair test
- Repairs to paint finish
SIEMENS (Germany)
650 kg
13500 Nm
Helical bevel gear unit with IEC Motor adapter
- Replace Bearing / Shaft seal
- Replace Motor pinion and Helical gear wheel
- Filling with Oil
- Post-repair test
- Repairs to paint finish
SIEMENS (Germany)
FZAF188B-K4-280 Weight : 900 kg
900 kg
18870 Nm
Parallel shaft gear unit with IEC motor adapter
- Replace Bearing / Shaft seal
- Replace motor pinion and Helical gear wheel
- Replace Hollow output shaft
- Filling with Oil
- Post-repair test
- Repairs to paint finish
FLENDER (Germany)
P2KB19 / Flange Coupling ZAPEX 700-18
4230 kg
141,347 Nm
Planetary gear unit with Bevel-helical gear stage
Oil pressure for hydraulic hub removal min1300~max.1800 bar
- Replace Bearing / Shaft seal
- Filling with Oil
- Post-repair test
- Repairs to paint finish
FLENDER (Germany)
7200 kg
345,000 Nm
Helical gear unit 3stages
- Replace Bearing / Shaft seal
- Replace 1st Pinion shaft and gear wheel
- Replace Taconite shaft seal
- Filling with Oil
- Post-repair test
- Repairs to paint finish
SIEMENS (Germany)
1LG6280-4MA94-Z (SIEMENS 75/112kW, 230/400V, 1485/2595rpm)
1120 kg
9738 Nm
Extruder drive parallel shaft mounted geared motor
- Replace Bearing / Shaft seal
- Cleaning cooling water coil
- Filling with Oil
- Post-repair test
- Repairs to paint finish
SIEMENS (Germany)
850 kg
10735 Nm
Helical gear unit for Agitator drive
- Replace Bearing / Shaft seal
- Replace 1st Pinion shaft and gear wheel
- Replace input adapter shaft
- Filling with Oil
- Post-repair test
- Repairs to paint finish
FLENDER (Germany)
600 kg
21700 Nm
Bevel helical gear box with Shrink disc
- Replace Bearing / Shaft seal
- Replace Input Bevel gear set
- Replace output hollow shaft
- Cleaning cooling water coil
- Filling with Oil
- Post-repair test
- Repairs to paint finish